SlushSpace Top 8 – December 12, 2021

SlushSpace Top 8 – December 12, 2021

Slush’s picks for the best snowboarding clips of the week.

We’re well into december now and the vids keep slappin’ us upside the head.
Must see vids this week –
“For What?”
“The Batwing Promo”
“Good Sport”

Insta Creds –
SLUSH SPACE 📶 12/5 – 12/12 📶

8: @jeffholce silky smooth pop over. 🤝
📹 @batwing8d

7: @leila_iwabuchi backside 12 in steamboat🚢

6: @brandonjdavis natty 3 in FOR WHAT
📹 @view__finder_

5: @supersocialderrek Hardway in GOOD SPORT 🎾
📹 @coltonfeldman

4: @torlundstrom with a dreamy McTwist in @beyondmedals RELAPSE.
📹 @icecream4breakfast

3: @shoeburt with a 🤌🏻 3 piece in GOOD SPORT 🎾
📹 @coltonfeldman

2: @torgeirbergrem method wizardry 🧙🏻‍♂️in Rumble
📹 @gimbalgod

1: @tommygesme with a Goliath 👹 of a rail in GOOD SPORT
📹: @coltonfeldman