mature | a guide to staying young

mature | a guide to staying young

Told through the life experiences of pro snowboarder, Mike Gray, Mature uses snowboarding to tell a story about how friendship, staying outside, and pursuing a passion keeps you young. The more one can stay active while doing something they love into their older age the better quality of life, fulfillment, and happiness they will have. #BusyLivin

Presented by KAVU and

A film by Samuel J. Roberts @samuelj.roberts

Featuring Mike Gray @mikeegray

Co-riders: Ryan Pluche @notthecops, Sam Bakken @sabakkson, Mark Rainery @markrainery, Max Loeb @maximusloeb, Curtis Woodman @curtiseaofcurtis Patrick McCarthy @patrickmccarthy

Additional Filming by Kyle McCarty @tk_mccarty and Tannor Wallace @telephoto_tan

Special Thanks to Big Bear Mountain @bigbearmountainresort, Boreal @borealmtn, Mt Baker @themtbakerskiarea, and Patrick McCarthy @patrickmccarthy

Additional thanks 686 @686, Wend @wendwaxworks, Jerry Pershke @honest_jer, Dan Holmes and Tyler Lee

Music: “Tenet” by Purc and “Same Story” by Purc

An inBLUME Digital Production @inblumedigital in Association with KAVU Films